‘I’m only Human’

Even previous to the discovery of Laurie Anderson and her work intertwining song with multimedia and speech, music and singing was always something which inspired me and therefore an element I wanted present in my performance. Songs for me are the most beautiful and direct way of creating emotion and feeling and so felt would work well with the themes I wanted to explore. The music of Christina Perri has been a great influence to my work, with many of her songs creating part of the performance. At the moment I am toying with different idea’s for a title for my piece and the main thought is ‘Human’ after 0ne of her sounds with particular prevalence for my work. I will not be performing the entirety of her songs; instead I shall use snippets and experiement with the way in which they will be sung and whether they will be live or pre-recorded. Here is a link to one of her songs, Human:


The lyrics from this which I will be singing a cappella are:


But I’m only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I’m only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
‘Cause I’m only human


These words beautifully complement my performance in which I try to explore the notion of public/private self and the perfection many of us crave; we are all human and will therefore make mistakes and will undoubtedly go through periods of lows and difficulties. Her songs explore the emotions we go through as human beings as she transforms her life struggles into the beauty of music, just as Spalding Gray transforms his struggles into performance. Other songs I will sing include,’ I believe’ and ‘The Lonely’.


Works Cited


AZ Lyrics (2014) [online] Available from http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/christinaperri/human.htm [accessed 17 April 2014]

Youtube (2014) [online] Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5yaoMjaAmE [accessed 17 April 2014]

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